Create New Campaign

Create a completely customisable airdrop campaign with the Create New Campaign tool.

Campaigns are initially created as drafts. Drafts are not public and you can review, save and edit the details. When you publish the campaign, the details are made public and you cannot make any future edits.

1) Click to Create New Campaign.

2) Your campaign needs a name and description. A campaign is essentially creating an airdrop giveaway event. The name should be descriptive and eye-catching. Use the description to educate the reader about the details of the event.

3) Select the type of campaign. The campaign can either target specific users to win a reward or the reward can be based on the location of land ownership with GeoSend.

Note - GeoSend is not yet active.

4) Select the target for the campaign.

Followers - All of your metaverse followers will be eligible.

NFT Holders - All users that hold a specific NFT in a collection will be eligible.

Metaverse Owners - All users that own a metaverse will be eligible.

NEER Staker - All users that have NEER staked in the Material Campaign will be eligible.

Estate Staker - All users that have land staked in the Material Campaign will be eligible.

Whitelist - All users that are on your whitelist will be eligible.

Metaverse Action - All users that complete a set task in your metaverse will be eligible. For example, you can request your fans to take a selfie in your metaverse at a specific location.

Creating a Campaign to Airdrop Metaverse Followers

1) Click to Add Criteria. You can select to reward all of your followers that you currently have to date or you can specify a date range.

Example - If you want to run a campaign that will increase your followers and you only want to reward new followers you need to specify a date range. A snapshot will be taken of all of the followers that you acquired during that date range.

Click Calculate Eligible Participants to check the number to check how many users who qualify for your reward. Keep in mind that eligible participants may change as you acquire new followers.

2) Select if you would like to reward users with BIT, NEER or NFTs.

BIT and NEER Rewards

To reward with BIT or NEER you need to enter the total amount that you would like to reward. You can then decide how you would like the reward to be distributed. It can be shared equally amongst all winners or the reward can be divided and randomly assign to winners.

Shared Equally Example - The reward amount is 100 BIT, and it will be equally distributed. There are 20 eligible winners for the campaign. Each of the 20 winners will receive 5 BIT.

Randomly Assigned Example - The reward amount is 100 BIT, and it will be randomly assigned to 2 eligible winners. There are 20 eligible winners for the campaign. Two of the eligible winners will be randomly selected to receive 50 BIT each.

NFT Rewards To reward with NFTs you need to select what NFTs you would like to reward. Click Choose NFTs and you can select what Collections you want to add NFTs from. Select what and how many NFTs you wish to include in the airdrop.

In this example, a total of 20 NFTs will be airdropped.

3) Decide if you want your campaign to be visible to the public or private. A reason why you might want to create a private campaign is for whitelisting or private community airdrops.

4) Select your campaign dates. The dates and times are in your local time. The start date must be a time in the future.

5) Review your campaign summary and click Save as Draft.

6) All of the campaigns that you create can be found in the Campaign Manager. When a Campaign is a draft you can use the Preview and Edit button to review the details and edit the campaign. When everything is correct you can publish the campaign to make it public.

7) When your campaign is Published the status will display In Progress. The campiagn is visible to the public and it can be viewed in Campiagns under the metaverse menu.

8) Click to view the campiagn and use the quick links in the top right corner to easily share the campiagn with your community via your socials.

Last updated