Estate Staking

1. What is Estate Staking?

- Estate staking allows you to potentially earn additional $BIT rewards by staking $NEER in your Estates. Estate staking can be considered as an additional option for $NEER stakers looking to maximize their $BIT rewards.

2. How to stake an estate

- Kindly follow our guide for Estate Staking:

3. How to determine the amount of BIT I'll be receiving once I stake my Estate:

-The amount of $NEER you stake in your estate.

-The size of your estate.

-The location of your estate.

-The size of the metaverse where your estate is based.

-The distance of this metaverse from the origin of the Pioneer map.

4. What is "Distance to origin?"

- The "distance to origin" refers to the distance between your Kaosland estate and the CBD.

5. I don't have an estate inside the Kaosland land, can I still stake my estate from my Metaverse?

- Yes, but you need to consider the points mentioned in question #3.

6. How much NEER do I need to have to stake my estate?

The minimum amount you can stake is 100 $NEER, a maximum of 1000 $NEER per Land unit.

For instance, suppose you have a four-land-unit estate that you want to stake.

The Minimum and Maximum amount you will be able to stake in this specific state would be 100-4000 $NEER.

7. Can I stake my estate without NEER?

- No, you need NEER (transferable) to be able to stake your Estate.

8. What is the percentage of Estate Staking?

- 20% of the total $BIT emissions are assigned to Estate Staking

9. Will my BIT reward from Estate Staking be added to or separate from my NEER staking?

10. How to check my claimable reward History?

- Go to 'Staking,' and at the bottom of the page, you'll see a section that says 'View Claimable Reward Details Breakdown,' click it, and you'll see a breakdown of your reward history.

11. What are the conditions for selling and purchasing a staked estate?

-Selling and Purchasing can be done for an estate that is staked.

-When an Estate owner sells the staked estate using the button "Sell " and "Continue" without unstaking , Unstaking the Estate is done in 2 ways:

1) Unstaking by the new owner :

If the new owner wants to stake on the staked estate bought from marketplace, The new owner will first need to force unstake the previous owners stake by clicking "Stake" button then "Unstake" in the following modal to remove previous owners stake.

The unstaked amount will be received to the wallet that put the $NEER in stake. Selling an estate with $NEER in stake doesn't transfer $NEER nor its $BIT rewards to the new owner. After confirming the unstake transaction, your request will be seen under "Estate staking Queue" and you can redeem the $NEER after completion of the current round.

2)Unstaking by the previous owner who has done staking :

The previous owner will get notification as a banner on the stake/Unstake estate modal to unstake the amount staked on the estate when the Estate is sold successfully.

  1. Previous owner will be able to successfully unstake using the “Untsake “button and the unstaked balance will be added to the “Estate staking queue”

b) Clicking the “Unstake “ button on the banner throws the message “Unstake Balance already removed by new owner” if the unstaking process has already been performed by the new owner and the staked balance will be added to previous owners “Estate staking queue”.

12. Will I be able to get my $NEER staked in my estate right away if I unstake it?

  • No. You must wait until the current round ends before claiming your estate.

13. Is there a way to calculate exact $BIT rewards from Land Staking?

-The amount of $NEER you stake in your estate.

-The size of your estate.

-The location of your estate.

-The size of the metaverse where your estate is based.

-The distance of this metaverse from the origin of the Pioneer map. The formula to calculate your $BIT rewards would be:

Staking point = NEER amount * metaverse size * estate size * (1/distance to origin + 1)

14. Can I build on my land while its staking?

Yes, you can build and stake your land at the same time.

15. Does the size of my estate affect my $BIT rewards

Yes and no, the way the size of an estate affects your $BIT rewards is by the total $NEER you can stake in it.

Last updated