Estate Staking

An Estate is made up of 2 or more land units. Estate staking allows you to get $BIT from a totally different staking pool by staking $NEER in your estate. To stake $NEER in your estate, you can pledge a minimum of 100 NEER, up to 1000 $NEER tokens per land unit in the Estate.

For Example, if your Estate is made from 5 Land Units, you can stake up to 5000 $NEER.

1) Click on the Staking tab in the main menu, then click ESTATE Staking.

2) Click on Stake Estate.

3) Select what Estate you would like to stake, and at the bottom click the Stake button at the bottom.

Underneath the Estate icon, the Staked meter indicates how much $NEER you can stake or already is staked in that Estate.

4) Enter the amount of $NEER you would like to stake in that Estate, then click Stake.

5) After confirming and signing the transaction, you can see your Estate Staked balance in the right panel.

Note: If you sell an Estate that has staked $NEER. Unstake your NEER before listing the Estate. Otherwise, you will need to wait until the new owner clicks to unstake for your $NEER to be unlocked. (The $NEER you stake in the estate is not transferred to the new owner, only the control to unlock the committed $NEER to the estate staking).

Last updated