How to Access the BC Space

Joining the BC Space can be accomplished in two main ways: as a guest or by logging in with your wallet. Here's a step-by-step guide to ensure a smooth experience:

1. Accessing the Space URL

Joining as a Guest: Navigate to the Space's URL. URLs typically come in two formats:

  • Long Form:[RedactedMetaverseID]/hub?hubId=[Redacted HubID]&id=[RedactedSpaceID]&type=0

  • Short Form (Recommended):[RedactedSpaceID]

Private Spaces: If the space is marked as private, the URL might either have an embedded password or require you to input one. If it's not embedded (e.g., pw=Password in the URL), ensure you have the password on hand. Should you forget the password, please contact the event's administrator or organizer.

2. Granting Permissions

  • Upon accessing the URL, the Space will ask for permissions to access your video and microphone.

  • Click on “Request Permissions”

  • Grant access to your microphone and camera.

  • Preview your video feed, and when you're ready, click on “Join Space”.

3. Avatar Customization

  • Start by naming your avatar.

  • Select wearables by using the left and right arrows adjacent to the avatar preview.

For advanced customization:

  • Click the "Edit" button below the Avatar.

  • Adjust the face, hairstyle, and clothing as desired.

Click on Submit and then Login as Guest

4. Familiarizing with Shortcuts

  • A Shortcut Panel will appear. Familiarize yourself with the avatar movements and keyboard shortcuts.

5. Wallet Login

  • To save your avatar's configuration, name, and statistics every time you join a space:

  • Click the "Sign in" button in the top right corner.

  • Choose your preferred login method. (Supported methods may vary; check platform updates.)

  • Once successfully logged in, you're ready to explore!

6. Navigating Virtual Offices

  • In a Virtual Office template, your avatar will be accompanied by a "Proximity Chat Radius", a light circle. Anyone within this radius can converse with you. Note: Your camera and mic are off by default, even if permissions were granted.

  • Some virtual offices feature “Conference Rooms”. Upon entering these rooms, if a host or co-host is present, you can join a group meeting where participants can speak, share screens, etc.

  • A Broadcast message will be visible on the screen's right side, allowing you to filter messages based on preferences.

7. Troubleshooting

Last updated