Odyssey Participants Rewards

Please note, that this FAQ is for educational purposes only and not financial advice. Always make informed decisions based on your individual circumstances.

Where can I claim my rewards? If you were part of the Odyssey Event, you're eligible for an extra 37.5% in $NUUM by locking your tokens for 10 months. Check your total allocation and claim your rewards at https://apps.mnet.io/odyssey

Will I get the 37.5% right away? The extra 37.5% will vest linearly with each block validated by the Continuum Network over 10 months, starting from the TGE.

Can I get the additional 37.5% without locking my tokens? No. Opting to claim your initial purchase without locking excludes you from receiving the additional 37.5%.

How to unlock the vested amount? Unlock your vested $NUUM via Polkadot.js under β€œAccounts.” Select β€œUnlock Vested Amount” next to your account and sign the transaction. Note: A minimum of 0.15 transferrable $NUUM is required to execute the unlock vested tokens transaction.

Can I unlock my tokens at any given time? While claiming the total amount is not possible after you execute the transaction for Option 2, you will only be able to unlock the vested amount at any given time for the total lock period, which is 10 months.

What is the main difference between Option 1 and Option 2? Option 1 allows immediate access to your purchased tokens for use within the ecosystem, such as minting NFTs, Staking for Innovation, Creating a Metaverse Project, etc.

Option 2, your tokens are locked for 10 months, granting you an additional 37.5%, which linearly vests every block over this period. Once you unlock your vested tokens, they will be available then to be used on any of the features available such as minting NFTs, Staking for Innovation, etc.

Can I change my mind after making a direct claim and get the additional 37.5%? Once a decision has been made, you won’t be able to reverse it. We advise evaluating the benefits each option gives you on an individual basis and making your own decision based on your own conclusions.

Does selecting Option 2 automatically stake my tokens? No, if you decide to select option 2, your tokens will be locked for 10 months giving you an additional 37.5% of $NUUM tokens, claimable every block, compared to a variable and fluctuating APR on the staking feature.

Last updated